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Old 9th July 2018, 04:48 AM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Yes, the blade is current era, nice quality, and would be totally acceptable as the blade used in a Javanese dress keris used by a person who was not involved in kraton or elite level society activities.

Yes, recognised dhapurs and relevant iconography can have a part in places where these things are understood, but Central Javanese dress is almost a national standard now in Indonesia, so you will find people in Jakarta and Surabaya, and even Bali,wearing a keris as a part of formal dress that does not really relate to Central Javanese kraton standards.

The incorrectly matched hilt is possibly the result of an ill informed dealer attempting to create an attractive and saleable item, but it could equally be the result of somebody who knows no better trying to be a bit blingy.

In any case, it cannot be thought of as one those rather mythical Tourist Keris.
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