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Old 15th June 2018, 02:31 AM   #22
EAAF Staff
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A few things:

1. Thank you Fernando - very helpful.

2. I agree with Ron in that many of these knives were made by non-Ilokanos. In fact, although each group makes various types of knives (especially for different uses) I question what almost looks to me that the Ilokanos made all of these knives on the forum described as Ilokano. Ian and I have wondered about the cross fertilization of aspects of the different groups, Ilokano to Tagalog and visa versa, etc.

3. Ron I think you are on to something regarding horn (especially albino carabao horn) changing look as it ages. Mine seem to. And I will also add that I have a Katipunero scabbard that has shrunk to where I can't get the blade fulling inside. On the other hand, I have another piece of the Katipunero era with a scabbard in near perfect condition without shrinkage. Storage conditions do matter to an extent.

4. It is very likely that aluminum was used more during and after WWII. However, I wonder then if the quality and style of hilt might be an additional and better determination of age rather than just the use of the aluminum alone.
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