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Old 24th May 2018, 12:45 AM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,760

Wood? Well, its still nice, but now it goes down to nothing special at all. Pity.

As to forging.

There are perhaps a couple of ways in which the four separate blocks of pamor could be brought together onto the core. I think that the easiest would be to assemble the four blocks onto the core as a single package and bring together in the one welding operation.

Once assembled as a single block, depending on how that weld was done, the mlumah side of each face can be manipulated to create the pattern, essentially it is no different to doing the manipulation necessary for wiji timun, but you only do one half of the face instead of both halves of the one face. For a skilled pattern welder, easy --- and this blade is the work of a skilled welder.

There are a number of steps involved in this process that I am not prepared to describe in detail, however, the information is available through modern custom knife sources. I cannot go into detail because of undertakings I have given.
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