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Old 1st May 2018, 03:27 PM   #31
Lead Moderator European Armoury
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If i dare have a say on this one, i would start by assuming that i would not reject that this pistol is one of a kind, whether commissioned by an exquisite customer or made exclusively by a smith with lots of imagination for his own property.

Looking at the center link in post #25 we read allusions to the letters AT being related with coins of the period (first half 17th century), whether the intention was to "transfer" the coin attitude or just the use of the same type (font) of letters. In fact the AT initials position in the pistol are inverted to those in the coins. Such coins are called "tangas", minted in (then) Portuguese Goa for use in Melaka (Malaca) and Sri Lanka (Ceilão). Also with some imagination we may realize that one of the decorations in this pistol breech has some resemblance with the grid of Saint Lourenço de Huesca, a Spanish medieval catholic deacon who was roasted (grilled) on fire by order of the Roman Emperor Valeriano. Remember that Portugal was reigned by Spanish Filipes between 1580-1640, thus the grid symbol in some coins ... so i realize.

As for the locks on the left side, we may see in the drawing posted by estcrh that these weapons were held against the left shoulder, which makes it coherent with the lock position.

I have been in contact with a prominent collector, whom in turn has had a strong relationship with W. Keith Neal, Master of the Worshipful Gunmakers Company of London, whom in the mid 20th. century already collected Cinhalese firearms. Mr. Neal assumed that they either have left hand locks as right hand ones, with no particular distinction. He eventually had in his collection an example which in time had a Portuguese snap matchlock on the right side, that was later converted into a dog catch flintlock on the left side. Having my contact discussed the left side lock issue with another scholar of his acquaintance, they registered that a great number of Cinhalese still writes with their left hand, concluding that in earlier periods such number was so significant that they have opted by producing guns with the lock in both sides.

Eventually Great Britain is the country in Europe where more left hand guns were produced, as actually is where more left handers exist.


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Last edited by fernando; 1st May 2018 at 03:47 PM.
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