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Old 13th April 2018, 03:58 AM   #5
Rafngard's Avatar
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Location: Minneapolis,MN
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Originally Posted by kai
Check along the edges; a lens may help, too. Kendit is the result of a fungal infection - it tends to follow the growth rings while ink will tether out along the grain...
Great tip! Thanks!
An initial examination didn't reveal anything odd. I'll check it out with magnification in the near future.

Originally Posted by kai
These figural hilts with crossed arms and fairly erect posture are often referred to originate from the Pasisir region (NE Java coast) but also found on Madura (putra satu). It's an old style distinct from the common demon hilt type.
Oh! I hadn't thought about Putra satu. The hilt does bear a a lot of resemblance.

Originally Posted by kai
Close-ups from all 4 sides of the hilt would be great for in-depth analysis.
This can definitely be done ;-)

Thank you for all your comments Kai!

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