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Old 4th April 2018, 03:03 PM   #20
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Treeslicer
Isn't besi kelengan not considered correct for making heirloom blades from? Here's a reference:
Well, this website is the first time i have every seen that written about keris kelengan. I'm would need to see some cross-referencing to take that more seriously. I might also add that what is true for keris Jawa is not necessarily true for keris from other regions of Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula, so even if we could find some verification of such a restriction it would not necessarily apply to a keris form the Peninsula. Keris Tajong are most commonly seen with pandai saras that are generally pamor-less. I think you might get an argument from numerous collectors if you were to discount all of those blades as invalid for the distinction of pusaka.
Of course this blade isn't actually a Peninsula blade, is it? It was manufactured in Madura in the form of a Peninsula style blade, or at least, with the intention of appearing that way. Though it is a dhapur that is completely new at the same time. So i don't see how any rules of iron types or lack of pamor can apply to such of keris even if they do exist. At the same time i don't see modern art pieces like this likely to be applied to a pusaka scenario down the line anyway so it seems a bit of a moot issue.
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