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Old 18th March 2018, 02:23 AM   #1
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Default A Short Omani Saif

This Omani sayf is certainly not the nicest possible example of the form, but since these are relatively uncommon, I thought I should post it nonetheless. The blade is short compared to most - only 25.25 inches(64 cm), but it is definitely old, and the pommel is old as well. The leather on the hilt and the scabbard has to be a later replacement, and the craftsmanship on it is pretty poor. At the same time under the leather you can still see where the scabbard mouth and suspension rings used to be, so the wood underneath is probably from the original scabbard and hilt.

The blade is probably of European manufacture, with good flex, and I suspect it was longer at one point. It looks like it was not shortened at the tip, but at the tang and base, suggesting it was shortened on purpose. If there ever were any markings, they are no longer visible or were at the base of the blade and were lost when that part was removed during the shortening.

So, what do you make of this sword?
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