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Old 4th March 2018, 05:01 PM   #16
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by alexish
In fact, I modelled my newly-made keris more closely to Jean's Minangkabau Naga Keris, as shown in the attached picture.

Actually, I deliberately asked the keris-maker to omit the Naga tail, and put a sogokan instead, as I felt that a sogokan would flow better with the malela-style fullers and the pamor Lawe Satukel. In fact, I see the pamor Lawe Satukel as a replacement for the Naga tail.
Alexish, i did note when you posted this how the pamor lawe satukel mimics the flowing motion of a serpent. You are definitely creating your own thing here though, so perhaps we could refer to this as a MinangAlexish keris.
You have taken different influence and created a bit of a mash-up here. Though artistic license has always been at play in keris design there have always been general guidelines to all the various known keris patterns that one is usually expected to adhere to. So we have the question of who decides when it comes to creating a new keris that can be accepted by the particular keris bearing culture which it is aimed at representing? Does it matter if it pleases the owner? But we also have the question of how such a personally designed keris that was created to specifically to owner preference rather than established "pakem" will be received if, down the line, it is introduced into the collecting market. I believe there may well be precedent for such things, keris that have been designed by eclectic people to suit very personal tastes. But from my perspective this does fall outside the perceived norms of the collecting world. Keris like this can then become enigmas to collectors down the line that some may find worthy and others not, especially if they pass into the marketplace without clear provenance. Hopefully if and/or when this keris leaves your custody it is not presented to collectors as a Minagkabau keris because it is not. I would hate to see a future where collectors have become confused about the authenticity of such a keris due to the lack of proper representation or the loss of basic knowledge of what such keris are actually supposed to look like. But it does seem to be a well crafted "art" keris. I would never personally commission such a keris, especially coming from outside the culture. It is not for me, a non-Sumatran, to determine or influence the nature of the specific keris design from any particular port of keris culture. But i do believe we all collect keris for different, sometimes subtle, reasons. My personal keris mission is about the study and preservation of the existing cultures, not forging new paths or foisting new design upon it. That would certainly not be my place.
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