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Old 11th January 2018, 06:18 PM   #22
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Green

The tok chu style pics you showed in #7 are almost certainly a very recent copies of tok chu blade and made in kelantan... they are easily found on sales here and we can even commission keris makers to make to whatever size you like. they show typical tok chu archetype but some keris 'esperts' over here claim there are at least a few more tok chu style/dhapur which to me look very different from this classic type.
Yes Green, i am quite aware that these are indeed NOT keris actually made by Tok Chu. I only posted them to present a some clear examples of keris that display the features that i have come to understand as the Tok Chi "style" of keris. That is exactly what we were discussing in some depth in the thread i linked for you in my very first post here. I hope you found time to read through that. It was also stated there that some people in the area consider more than one style of keris to be attributed to Tok Chu and feel it is correct to use that name for all those styles regardless of how dissimilar their forms might be. In that linked thread i argue that it seems to be a rather confusing way to categorize keris if multiple, obviously different dhapurs are given the same exact name.
That said, i will reiterate that while your keris does seem to bear some resemblance to the form i understand as Tok Chu (and therefore might very well rightfully be called Keris Tok Chu), it would be quite impossible, without some well documented provenance of lineage, to say with any certainty that this blade was actually made by Tok Chu himself. Though like yourself, i am in no position to disagree with your local expert who seems to find a completely different designation for this blade.
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