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Old 11th December 2017, 11:15 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by kai
Sorry to disagree, this isn't any genuine coteng hilt; I also don't see any features that suggest a Sumatran origin.

This looks like rather poor, later craftsmanship to me. I'd guess at a maker from Java/Madura...

Kai, you may well be right, but you are not necessarily disagreeing with me. I should have been clearer. When i said i would identify this as a coteng hilt i was not considering whether or not it was an old original or a recent copy. I was referring more to the style of hilt. Frankly i don't know enough about coteng hilts to determine the age of this hilt or exact origin, but the elements of the hilt were clearly designed it appear as a coteng hilt might, especially around the mouth, eyes and nose. What i was most trying to debate was that i do not think this is an example of a Cirebon hilt as Alexish has suggested.
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