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Old 5th December 2017, 01:38 PM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 308

Thank you Jean and Alan for your comments.

Jean said that only a keris of suitable quality merit a tangguh.
My understanding is that a tangguh merely denotes when (which era) a keris is made, irrespective of what quality it has, hence a badly made keris could be from say, mataram or segaluh era for example and it can be described as such

Quality aside, if my keris is old, which possible era was it made ? can we make a rough estimate?

Attached are a few more slightly better pics of close ups of the lower part of the blades and with possible hilts. Are they suitable? . I agree with Alan, a badly matched parts will make the keris look inappropriate and jarring at the very least. But my understanding of Javanese keris is too inadequate to make a good judgement if it is a good mix/fit or not. Would appreciate your comment.

A follow up question on the Javanese deder. The one I fit to the blade with tambal wengkon pamor has full carvings and I have not seen this kind of full ornamentation on typical Javanese deder before. Is this a new whimsical style by carvers with too much time on their hand or a legitimate decorative motif? the hilt is made of some form of ivory or possibly deer horn?

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