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Old 1st December 2017, 04:58 PM   #1
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Posts: 308
Default Questions on 2 Javanese blades

I just bought a couple of Javanese keris blades. I have a few questions that I hope some of you may help.

1: Dhapur. Both blades look the same form/dhapur to me. what dhapur is this called?

2: Pamor: The one with patches of pamor is 'tambal' from my understanding. Is this correct? what is the other blade's pamor type?

3: Age: The pesi of both looked quite heavily corroded especially towards the end. This does not necessarily mean that the blades are old as some people are quite adept at making blades look old... but based on the blade form and general look of the blades I won't be surprised if they are actually genuinely old. So, are these blades old? and this form of blades typically came from which tangguh?

4: I have a couple of ladrang wrongko that I hope to use for these blades. Are the ladrang type suitable for these blades? if not what are the suitable types?

5: What are suitable hilt type(s) for these? I am not a fan of simple zen like form of Javanese Deder and hoping to use alternative types if appropriate. I am wondering if cheribon pesisiran hilts would be suitable?... the bota bajang and their ilks? or even maduran donoriko/jagungan/ tree of life types? would these be compatible with ladrang wrongko?

Sorry for the long Qs but bad pics.
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