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Old 18th October 2017, 06:29 PM   #73
Lead Moderator European Armoury
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Old 29th November 2007, 12:55 AM

Posted by:
Jim McDougall
EAA Research Consultant

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Route 66

Gavin, thank you so much for answering my question on the sword cutler Brach, and for posting that remarkable sword...nicely referenced! and it is interesting to know about the Solingen marks in the Civil War book. It is interesting that most of the first issue of the M1840 "Wristbreaker" were produced in Solingen before Ames picked up the contract.
On the King George sword, it would seem the blade is a bit long for a hunting sword, but the auspicious significance extended to warfare as well in the astrological sense.

Excellent deduction on noting the presence of crescent moon and sun on either side of this fascinating decoration or marking. The symbolism of these two figures is of course present in many variations on European blades, and the talismanic implication seems quite plausible though can only be speculated upon. While decoration can easily be assumed to be intended only aesthetically, I feel that the ever present superstition, even though only accepted nominally, still had a great degree of serious consideration. Even in present times, soldiers will apply great attention to good luck charms and many forms of talismanically intended measures.

Fernando, you continually amaze me with the beautifully done graphics you post and the way you highlight key passages and key in on markings!! Thank you for always adding such great presentation. The material in Evans book tells me I desperately need to get hold of my copy!!! Thank you also for correcting the spelling on Aiala, which I was unclear on. It seems there was some clarity issues on the use of these 'anchors' by makers in quite different centers as well. There was such intense competition between all of these blade centers, trying to define exactly who used which marks is going to be very difficult, but I think we have a running start!

All very best regards,

Last edited by fernando; 19th October 2017 at 10:01 PM.
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