Thread: My first Keris
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Old 15th March 2006, 11:56 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Valjhun
BTW: There's the third one on his way
Yep, i'm afraid there is no hope for you now.....Bwah Ha Ha!
One thing i will say about your keris collecting is that you seem to be avoiding the pitfalls of many new collectors in that you are finding actual old pieces, condition issues aside, instead of all those new keris that are aged and sold as old.
Shahrial may well be right that pitch was used here, but do be careful not to try to force the hilt off or you might crack it. Sometimes some idoit comes along and epoxys a hilt on.
You should be able to at least minimize the pendok damage as has been suggested and it's easy enough to buy a nice mendak. It looks like this blade should clean up nicely.
If you've been following the recent meteorite thread you might have predicted my answer to that question . I would personally be doubtful, but from your pics i will say that this keris does appear to have some fairly high-contrast pamor for an old blade. You never know (really). Would love to see what it looks like cleaned and stained.
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