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Old 2nd September 2017, 09:03 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

This image was copied from Sachse, he copied from somewhere else, maybe Jasper & Pirngadie. Sachse is not the book that I had in mind, I've got a small publication that has a lot of images of spears in it, that were originally published in J&P. I'll look for it when I have time.

In Jawa any spear is called "tombak".

I do not know the name for a finial, but it might be acceptable to use "sirah" or "endhas", both words mean "head", but in different language levels -- sirah is Krama, endhas is Ngoko. Possibly Krama usage would be more appropriate, assuming the use is associated with a higher level of society.

A finial sometimes appears on the top of a shaft used for a banner in a procession.

The spear head would also be ceremonial, possibly also processional, but I do not know the precise use, by this I mean that I do not know exactly what procession it would be appropriate to use it in..
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