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Old 25th August 2017, 04:46 PM   #12
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I will be honest with you, Reventlov; the variation range of the discussed dates, although interesting for academics, rests beyond my empirical reach, as only representing, in maximum, some thirty years in a work made over five centuries ago. I understand this could influence a bench mark towards the date of determined weapon (sword) styles, but i am also aware that a lot of ink has already bein consumed in discussing these enigmatic panels date, the intention that moved the author, the figures they represent, and even the painting method used, namely (in rough terms) tempera over oak wood, oil painted or plaster and glue ... each one with a 'plausible' explanation; X rays, chromatic layers, you name it. Even registered doubts on who was the author remained for a long time.
And of course the analysis of the panels wood used for the panels doesn't prevent that the authjor could have used old raw mateial.
At this stage its inventory card appoints to the wise date range 1450-1490.
On the other hand if you refer to 'the sword above' as the one you posted, i would be confused, as the swords those guys inte panels are holding are visibly like the sketch i posted in reply.
However, if the book you mention were available online, i would certainly read it.
Kind regards
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