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Old 24th August 2017, 06:03 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This is an interesting looking khanjhar (I cannot resist noting the broad use of this term as the concurrent thread on the karud term has been mentioned).
I typically try to avoid the 'tourist' moniker, and as has been noted, there are distinctly seen differences in quality of weapons produced in ethnic character which MAY be acquired by tourists, but in many cases by locals as well.

The curious and thickened 'barb' at the tip of this blade seems more for threatening 'effect' visually than practically intended. Burton (1884) described the folly of barbed or serrated blades in that these became imbedded in the victim and not being able to be withdrawn, left the user weaponless.
Naturally, no edged weapon was intended to directly penetrate plate armor, and those intended for armor piercing were thickened at the notably narrowed spear type point to enter mail through opening a link.

Plate armor was bashed to compromise it enough to possibly open a breech, but typically penetration of edged weapons was in areas not covered by the armor. In any case, in India and Central Asia, plate was not worn as a rule, and 'piercing' was directed toward heavily layered textiles or leather.

With the obvious matter of ingress and egress the point of this curious weapon, though dramatically threatening, renders it unlikely as a weapon, at least in the usual manner. Still, the prospect of having that nasty barb imbedded in someone is a dreadful consideration.

Eric, well noted instances, and thank you so much for encouraging the use of the search feature here by using key words. We have all spent many years together here compiling an impressive archives of data, which is a valuable resource which is most helpful in research.
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