Thread: Kerambit Minang
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Old 19th August 2017, 11:53 PM   #9
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As usual I don't know much about the blade in question itself. I've only observations and what those observations might suggest to offer:

1) The scabbard is ornately decorated on both sides.

While there are plenty of exceptions. As a general rule scabbards tend to be only decorated (or have the major focus for detail in decoration) on one side. The side that faces out towards the observer. This is simply practical. Most people are right handed and would be expected to wear the scabbard on one side consistently. And whichever side they wear it on, the side that is against their body will see wear over time if the blade is worn frequently.

That makes me think that this is a less practical weapon. That isn't to say it is purely decorative or non-functional. It's just to say that I don't think this is something that was intended to be worn as an everyday weapon. Maybe it's intended for wearing on special occasions. Like getting out the good china or putting on your nice shoes.

The fact that the rest of the blade is also very nice looking (above and beyond what others have noted as being common) would further that idea I think.

2) The bordered diamond on one side of the scabbard does not fit with the rest of the style. It's also interesting that there isn't a diamond shape on the other side.

This makes me think that the diamond is intended to be an inscription plate. That it is blank may only suggest that the maker did not know who would end up buying it. Or that the purchaser did not know it was intended for that due to a lack of communication between the maker and the buyer.

This makes me think that it may have been made for export. Not necessarily a tourist piece given the quality of materials and construction. But likely not made by the person who owned it or with any particular individual in mind when it was crafted.

As for it being blank. A lot of inscription plates end up never being engraved for one reason or another.

3) The deign aspect are very European.
We see acorn and acanthus leaf motifs. A boot or hoof shaped end. A wide and long central fuller (as apposed to a near the spine groove or a central ridge) with a very nice false edge that has a nice clean scoop on the back.

It may not have been made in Europe. But in conjunction with everything else it does seem like it was made to appeal to a European market.
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