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Old 30th July 2017, 06:17 AM   #4
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Rant on:

i'll have you know i am a member or PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals.
not as yet tasted ellifunks tho. did eat a rather thick whale steak on cape cod once in my preteens, well before it became un-PC. it was delicious.

the other less reputable 'animal rights' PETA exists partly to keep people from having pets/companion animals which they'd rather kill than re-home. they even use scary bloody comic books they hand out to young kids titled such as 'your mommy murders animals'. they are worse than any kill shelter, and dispose of over 95% of animals surrendered to them for ostensible 're-homing', frequently as the drive away from the poor animals home where they've just promised the last owner who could no longer care for it, that they would of course find them a new loving forever home. then dumping the remains in the green wheelie bin behind the nearest fast food burger joint. and that's on a good day. their 'ethics' are poor at best. they mostly exist to collect money from the gullible luvvies.

Rant Off:

i suspect the idiot dentist is alive and well living elsewhere under an assumed name. hopefully under the care of a psychiatric professional. ignorance can be cured, but being the anal opening of a donkey is forever.

but we digress...el jefe will rap our knuckles with a ruler.

an observation: the mahout in multi-cam above would be better equipped if he cut off the extra wood above the ankus' head, the pokey bit would be a lot more effective.

Last edited by kronckew; 30th July 2017 at 06:31 AM.
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