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Old 15th July 2017, 08:23 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Wodimi.

As for the flask that you originally posted, I agree with Stu. The spout and iron work look Afghan. Something interesting to note is the pour spout being positioned about 60 degrees from vertical. I believe this was so the spout would be positioned away from the torso while on horse/camel back.
You will note that many of these flasks have a carrying ring on each side of the flask, and a third device at the center back of the flask. I believe this center device was used to hang the flask from a hook on the waist belt while riding. And the shoulder strap so the flask would not be lost, or while on foot. Much the way a sword belt works.
The last two wooden flasks posted I believe one or both to be Algerian.
Anyway, nice Afghan flask in a style you don't generally see.

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