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Old 7th January 2017, 07:00 PM   #19
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Roland.

Thanks for your comments. Yes, I think it turned out well. Actually, I'll start with about 60 grains of FFG for 25-yards, and work my way up from there. I'll try both patched ball and unpatched with over and under wads as Richard mentions and see what works best. That would be a typical starting load for a .54 smoothbore. The stell liner will handle much more than that.

Hi Richard. Yes, a video would almost be required shooting this one for the first time. LOL Glad to hear your barrel is coming along. Something you might find interesting: The barrelsmith mentioned that the original forge-welded breech plug was done in such a manner (at least on my barrel) that it was virtually one piece and would have safely with stood the normal pressure of the black powder. JFYI

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