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Old 6th January 2017, 08:56 AM   #1
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Hi Norman,
Having the whole sword would of course be helpful, but this blade pretty much speaks for itself. It is of course not Spanish but German, and most likely Solingen. The style of the crowns are found on German markings often purported to be Spanish. The configuration of three of the same mark was often used by the Wundes family in Solingen with kings heads.

The 'TOLEDO' is stylized to duplicate Spanish blades as well, and the interesting E and O with line through imitates the Spanish inscribing of Toledo with magic and cabalistic sigil context . The brass filled running wolf suggests very early German blade (these would not be found on true Spanish blades).

I was sure I had seen the crowned IB somewhere but cannot find it yet.
The blade is probably 17th century but more will be known if we can find more on the markings. The Brach family of smiths in Solingen were around from late 16th well into the 17th and names like Jan, Jacop, Johann give potential. The 'I' serves as a 'J' in old writing.

Al the best
PLEASE SEE which rolls out a long list of details on the Solingen Swordmakers ;Broch with many names with a J at the beginning as you point out the probable I. source...
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