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Old 24th October 2016, 06:21 PM   #8
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by HL-Navyblue
I purchased this Khanjar in the Souq of Maskat/Oman 21 years ago (1995). I very much like it because it is such an elegant and well crafted artwork. It is one of my favorite daggers, although I do not collect egded weapons from the Arabian Peninsula. That said, I have to admit that I know very Little about Khanjars. I read a lot in this Forum about well made fakes and Khanjars purely made for tourist needs. So, I kindly ask the real experts in this Forum about their opinoin.

Some details first: the Khanjar is pretty light, it is 800 grams only. It measures 33 cm from the top of the handle down to the lowest ring on the bottom of the scabbard. It is 24 cm broad (from the chape to the right ring) and the dagger has an overall length of 31 cm. The visible part of the blade (from the tip to ferrule) measures 17 cm. The blade looks as if it has a rough surface, but when one sweeps over the surface with the fingers, the blade appears to be very soft and absolutely even. I made the "Sound Test" and the sound it makes when I test the tip really sounds like a "THUG" to me, no tiny ding or so. Also, the blade is razor sharp - it actually cuts paper.

The bi-knife does not belong to the Khanjar. When I purchased the Khanjar the original bi-knife was missing, so I asked for another one and the shop owner gave me that one. It is more or less a cheap kitchen knife with an inferior blade, but at least it fits into the back-holder of the original bi-knife.

I assume the Khanjar is pretty young because it shows little wear and the silverwork is very detailed - late 20th century? Please have a look at the pics and - if you wish - respond. Thank you, Harald.

Salaams~ HL NAVY BLUE...Please see Just press on the link... There I cover the Royal Khanjar said to have been designed by one of Saiid The Greats wives who assumed her husband was bored with the ordinary Muscat Khanjar.

The style incorporates the seven rings but swings toward an Indian form of decoration in the hilt with lavish miri bota leaf designs, split palmette and floral and circular style and a turned down pommel. Although silvered almost 100 % the Royal Khanjar usually sports a Rhino inner hilt...These are fairly weighty weapons since the use of a lot of silver...mined in Oman and brought as ingots these days from China although in past years made from scrap silver jewellery and Maria Theresa Thalers.

I have sen a lot of this side/work dagger style which were simply silvered over (this type is Indian) The sought after working knife is the famous Rodgers make usually seen with a crown and horn hilt silvered over. These famous butter knives had excellent steel blades and used to cut rope, kill chickens and all the things needed in everyday life... leaving the big dagger for extreme situations and as a badge of office for the Omani gentleman.

Something a lot of people dont know is that it was the hilt that was redesigned...everything else was already in place on the origin of species (The Muscat Khanjar) ONLY the hilt got the special treatment. Thus you may find Royal Khanjars in two formats one with a 4 ring form (rare) and another with the same way the Muscat Khanjar had two ring types/numbers.

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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Last edited by Ibrahiim al Balooshi; 24th October 2016 at 06:41 PM.
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