Thread: Javanese Keris
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Old 19th September 2016, 03:43 AM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,765

The blade itself is probably able to miss a full clean and stain, the present finish is not too bad.

It does need attention, but for the moment the full vinegar strip and warangan re-stain can be sidelined.

Remove the hilt.

I'd start by washing with dishwash liquid and a hard toothbrush under hot running water, then dry thoroughly with lint free cloth and a hair dryer.

Then a regular daily spraying of a penetrating oil, like WD40 or similar for about a week or two.

Under very good light and eventually using magnification --- I prefer a 3X machinists loupe --- go over the blade very carefully using medium steel wool wound around the end of a sate stick and gently remove as much of the rust as is possible.This is a long, slow process. Each time you put it away for the day spray with the oil to get rid of the muck you've removed from the blade.

The final cleaning is done under magnification using a fine pick, a saddlers awl is good, and magnification.

When it is as free of rust as you can get it, brush it well with mineral turps, touch up any little patches missing stain with cold blue, spray with WD40, allow to dry overnight, then one of the traditional fragrant oils, a plastic sleeve, and it will be good for another 100 years.
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