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Old 4th September 2016, 11:51 PM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Yes Jean, people mostly do not realise just how important and influential Ngayogjokarto is in the world of Indonesian silverwork. The area of Ngayogjokarto that is the silver working centre of the area is Kota Gede (Big Town).

Kota Gede silver work has a history going back to the establishment of the Kraton of Mataram there in the late 16th century.

I have been told, but I do not know how accurate this is, that all other silver working areas in Indonesia can be traced back to the original craftsmen coming from Kota Gede. I was told this by a man who is very highly placed in the Kota Gede hierarchy, so it would have been in his interests to claim this, but even so, it could well be true.

You would be very surprised by where some of the product of the Kota Gede craftsmen ends up, mostly the end sellers claim manufacture in other, more prestigious locations, such as -- just for example -- Florence in Italy.
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