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Old 7th June 2016, 10:01 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,760

Please accept my apologies Timo.

I was wrong.

My comments were based upon what I have seen made from meteoritic material by modern knifemakers, I wasn't even thinking of use in ancient times, I do know that it was used, but have not studied its use in ancient times.

Still, based upon my own experience in working with meteoritic material, which is not inconsiderable, I do find it very difficult to believe it can successfully cold forged --- but I suppose it does depend upon the meteorite.

Just a thought Timo:- are we talking about cold forging, or cold work?

I've just a done quick scan of the material you have supplied links to, and although I have picked up "cold work", I have not yet seen "cold forge". Cold forging means that you work the material at a black heat, in other words you bring it to a red heat, let the material lose its heat until it is black, then you work it with a hammer until it is cold. This technique is sometimes used to pack the edge of a blade.

"Cold work" means bringing the material to the shape required by cutting or grinding.
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