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Old 16th November 2015, 03:20 PM   #9
Pukka Bundook
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 803

This is an interesting topic!

If I may add another point;
It was mentioned above that technique in a weapon's use can be more important than muscle -power.
True, Very true!........But! we must also remember that the female part of the population in many parts of the world do the "Manual labour" and are Very likely stronger than the men!
In India we see little thin stick-like ladies carrying Huge bundles of firewood, or enormous loads of whatever on their heads, that we Western chaps could barely stagger with!
Same in Africa.
One girl I read of, in either N. Pakistan or Nepal, I forget now,..for a bet, carried a Piano up a mountain on her head.....with a baby strapped to her back!
Give such a lassy a weapon and the correct instruction in its use, and she could whip the socks off a good few of us. (unless she still had the piano on her head!!)
I recall dimly a Roman writer.....was it Tacitus?? said that the Gauls could easily be defeated If they left their women at home! This is terrible paraphrasing, but you see what I mean.
In India there were women warriors, well trained and in their thousands.
I would imagine their weaponry would be light, fast tulwars for the main part.
Must go, busy day!

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