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Old 8th November 2015, 07:37 PM   #26
Keris forum moderator
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Yes Max, your keris does indeed have what some call a tumenggungan hilt that undoubtably originated in Madura. The oversized brass pendokok is a Bugis style AFAIK and inappropriate for this hilt both size-wise and culturally. The sheath form can be found on keris from both Sumatra and the Peninsula. I'll leave the origin of this blade to others. In it's current condition i am just not sure. Many times when we see keris ensembles that are a mishmash of cultures and styles to this degree they are mixes that have been slapped together my dealers in order to sell an ensemble that appears more complete. While this keris may well have been bought in Thailand it seems unlikely that calling it a Thai keris or even a keris with Thai influence is a valid or accurate descriptor.
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