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Old 12th October 2015, 05:27 PM   #20
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Roland_M
Some additional pictures of the blade.

I think the curvature in both directions is good to see.
Thanks for the extra photos Roland. I can see now what you mean about it looking like a pejetan blade. This doesn't seem to me to be the type of blade that would get a pejetan treatment. For instance i have never seen a keris pejetan with a strong ada-ada like this blade has. So perhaps these bends are coincidental or accidental.
As for silver work, it is relatively cheap to do silver work in Indonesia as compared to most places in the western world. I discovered this a few years back when i wanted to silver plate a brass pendok for a new sheath and it was actually far cheaper for me to ship it there and back for the plating than to have a local guy do it here in the states. Commissioning an entire sheath would probably be more expensive than adding a bit of silver work to cover damage on an old sheath if the work was done in Indonesia.
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