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Old 31st July 2015, 04:15 AM   #119
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Jim, you need to write a book about all of your experiences and such! I've said that before! I, fir one, would love to see your research on the wrecks published here, at least! I think with the passing of Michael we all need to be more retrospective of what we have to offer, be it snippets of information or whole columns of knowledge. In any case, regarding Mr. Clifford, I trust in his work. His past 'controversies' involve getting past government beaurocracy red tape on diving privileges, rights to treasure finds, and gossipy/snippy behavior with some of his compatriots, but NEVER falsification of his research.

Organizations, on the other had, I don't trust. Like governments or individuals, they have hidden agendas. Whether it be museums selling off cultural treasures at private auctions or governments that claim all valuable finds of any kind must be surrendered to them for 'the good of the people', it is all BS to me...

Gav, thanks for that unbroken thread-
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