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Old 20th May 2015, 09:38 PM   #5
Seerp Visser
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Belgium
Posts: 37

Sirek, thanks for the photographs.

I have put some (estimated) dimensions on them.
Left from the lines the dimensions in cm. At the right side inches.
A rough calculation, from this dimensions, estimates the weight of the meteorite remnant to be approx. 1000 kgs.

I am very interested in the true dimensions as well as the surface where parts were chiseled off?. Probably the backside of the meteorite.
When anybody visits the keraton........

Alain, you mention meteorite parts used as talisman and the use of it for forging kerises, from 1820. Do you know where to find documentation about those facts? I am very interested to read more about it.
Much of the documentation i red until this time, is constantly repeating the same story with each time a new dressing.

What i found as well is that the pieces meteorite given to representatives of museums or governments weighed (except for one 250 grams piece what went to the Netherlands) not more than 50 grams per piece.
Dr. Groneman states that for an average keris 220 grams of meteorite was used. That seems unrealistic to me.
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