Prambanan meteorite
Being a blacksmith i am studying the forging of the keris.
My study is focused on the forging of five kerises by the empu Karyadikromo in 1904. The forging was noticed and described by Dr. Isaac Groneman.
The forging of these kerises was published in the Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie in 1910.
I should like to know the dimensions of the part of the Prambanan meteorite still present in the kraton of Surakarta today.
Can anybody, who has access to the kraton, help me with that information?
Does anybody have recent photographs from that meteorite from different angles?
(Especially the places where parts were taken of for the forging of kerises)
This piece, now in the kraton, was part of a larger meteorite. A second piece is mentioned in the literature.
I was not able to find further information about this second part.
Does anybody have some information about that second part?
Does anybody know, or where to find information about the finding of the meteorite and how people knew, or found out, they could use the material for kerises?
The meteorite iron had a special value for the kerises. The material was not easily made available by the Susuhunan.
Does anyone have information about the policy of the Susuhunan to make this meteorite material available?
From the literature i get the impression that only small parts were given to, only very important, people in only very special occasions.