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Old 7th March 2015, 10:28 AM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,765

If we are going to talk about Palembang, I'm afraid I cannot make any relevant contribution, although Palembang does have a recognised connection to the Javanese courts it is an area that I have never paid much attention to. Further being away from home I do not access to any references that might of use, all I have is the net, and I'm afraid I have not a great deal of faith in what is available there. Most especially so as I am currently using computers that take minutes to reload a page. One short email can take 10 or fifteen minutes to take care of.

But in any case, I think that perhaps the first thing that needs to be defined is exactly what is meant by the term "royal keris".

I used to have an exceptionally fine example of this type of Palembang keris, gold selut, finely carved ivory hilt, rose gold (suasa) pendok, very high quality kinatah. Regrettably it has been stolen. May the scumbag who now has it never sleep again.
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