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Old 16th February 2015, 03:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jean
To me this hilt seems to depict the veiled Durga or Calon Arang/ Rangda.
Thanks for your response Jean. I am sorry to press you here, but why, exactly does it seem valid to you as a depiction of the veiled Durga or Calon Arang/ Rangda. When i search for images of Durga from the Bali/Jawa area i mostly find multi-armed statues often with Durga standing on a buffalo to depict her victory over the buffalo demon Mahisha. Sometimes she is astride a lion (sometimes a tiger). I cannot find any known depiction of this goddess veiled though or any stories that would give reason for a veiling of her face.
Calon Arang and Rangda are often associated with Durga, but most certainly not the same being. These witch demons also have very standard depictions in Bali and Jawa culture, fierce demon woman with wild hair, bulging eyes, fangs and long nails (claws) on all their fingers (note in my example that only the pinky nails are long) . They are often seen as hefty females forms, often topless. But i have never seen them veiled either. Hiding their frightening appearance under a veil would also seem counter to their purpose in the lore. There is no mystery about their appearance, they are meant to strike fear in the hearts of those who view them.
But these "wadon" hilts show none of that. They are a veiled mystery with a stilled silence about them. They have none of the usual motifs or accompanying figures that are known to be related to Durga, Calon Arang or Rangda. So i have a real difficulty accepting the designation simply because it has been called that in a passing reference in a book. It just doesn't seem to jive to me.
I do not own the Balinese reference books you mention so i am afraid i cannot follow your page citations."Meseh Rupa" is a at least a dead end on the internet. Maybe someone has more on this. I would also be curious to find out approximately when this hilt form first made it's appearance. You say the ones in Keris di Lombak look fairly recent. Mine has some age, but i don't believe it is too old. Does anyone have any obviously old examples to this form to show?

Last edited by David; 16th February 2015 at 07:36 PM.
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