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Old 13th February 2015, 11:30 PM   #1
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Default Bali Wadon(?) Hilt

I know we have discussed these hilts before, however, it's been more than 5 years since our last serious discussion and in that time we have all had opportunity for gaining more knowledge as well as our group gaining new membership. Since i have recently acquired an example of this hilt form i thought it might be a good time to revisit the question.
I realize that "wadon" is a Javanese term (for woman) so pehaps it does not apply to this Bali hilt. These hilts have been described as Durga, but despite the assertion by Kerner, Jensen and others who follow them i have yet to see any real evidence for this assumption. Though certainly female in form it seems to me that this figure is most probably divine and therefore more than simply a "woman", so "wadon" seems inadequate as well.
I certain welcome speculative thinking here, especially if it can be supported with logic. What, do we suppose, is the meaning of the veiling of the figure? What is held in the hand?
The figure is decidedly alien-like. In this example i have noticed a certain insect-like quality as well, similar perhaps to a kocetan hilt. Does it look to anyone else that the features that start at each side of the head and travel over the shoulders to the back are somewhat antenna-like, as those often seen on kocetan hilts? I am making no conclusions here, simply trying to decipher the elements of this hilt and get the conversation rolling.
So, she seems to be a goddess or divine being, but i don't see any symbolism in the form that would tie her to Durga per se. Who could she be? Who would carry such a hilt in a cultural context (as i have always assumed that certain hilts are more appropriate for certain people than others)? This form seems relatively rare so it doesn't seem it would be carried by just anybody.
Below is a link to that last good discussion we had on these hilts 5 years ago. I quick look there before responding would probably be helpful.
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