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Old 27th October 2014, 03:32 PM   #25
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Yes Gustav, we've been down this road before.

If we're talking about Sumatera, second half, 19th century, probably any definitive answer depends upon interpretation of local belief in the place where these hilts originated, at that time.
Alan, I am sorry, but this is almost the same oppinion I stated in my post, which is absolutely understandable, becouse it is the relevant view on this subject.

Originally Posted by Gustav

Now to the material. I am absolutely not wondering myself about the fact, people in Central Java now or decades ago werent informed, what was going on somewhere in Sumatran highlands around 1880 regarding local beliefs on this strange and impractical, and rare material. I would say, they most probably didn't have the slightest interest in a thing, which were light years off from the refined esthetics of javanese courts.

Which sources do we have regarding Sumatran Minang beliefs from 1880-ties about minerals? Or - about Keris?
Where our opinions, or better, the information differs, is the fact, that oldest specimen you are aware of "is likely to be post WWII, or maybe at most after 1900", and I know of one, which is most probably collected before 1876 (1886 was my tiping mistake), absolutely sure before 1893. It makes a dentist drill as a premise for the emergence of hilts from this material rather implausible.

Last edited by Gustav; 27th October 2014 at 09:09 PM.
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