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Old 13th October 2014, 02:59 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by drac2k
Based upon my own experience of 20 years of using this combination of boiled linseed oil and lemon oil extract, I have not found that to be the case . I have even used it on old furniture to revitalize the wood, however what might be pleasing to me, might not be to someone else, so this is only a suggestion and a small test area should be applied first to determine if it has the desired result you crave.
The effects of this blackening might not be noticeable for eighty to a hundred years later. Linseed oil does put a great finish on wood, or else we would not be having this discussion.

What I am addressing here is something that falls into the "unintended consequences" category. Well meaning work, but nature, in the long run, not cooperating. I'm no chemist, but, we all know that organic substances do not remain stable over time, and that's the rub here. There's even a good quality petroleum based grease that was the gold standard for gun storage for years that, when applied following the directions, in about two or three years, will turn a brightly polished steel or iron surface a mottled grey! Once it reaches this stage, it appears to be stable, but, then again, in another twenty years, who knows? It changed once, why not again, but not in a way that one would be happy with.

I will look for this article, but since it was over twenty years ago, a lot of water has gone under the bridge, and we may be out of luck.

Last edited by Shakethetrees; 13th October 2014 at 03:11 PM.
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