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Old 2nd October 2014, 10:31 AM   #10
Marcus den toom
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I has to be said Michl, this thread and you are amazing
Hopefully i am not too forward posting these pictures. They mainly depict the heavier guns/cannons of times long gone.

Attachment 1: One of the simplest ways to support such a heavy weapon was by means of wooden beams. Also on a side note, the archers shoot with what appears to be incendiary arrows!! from: A fortified town under siege. From the Swiss Amtliche Berner Chronik of 1483.

Attachment 2: An aimable cannon with stand and a smaller cannon on a simple but very widely used plank with wheels. Quit a lot of the manuscripts i see have this second design. The Hague, KB, 128 C 1 I fol. 403v Book 17: Chapter 1 Siege of a city (can't find the date on this one)

Attachment 3: Similar to the second picture, but this time the witnesses go bananas and look in fear. As Michl pointed out earlier in this thread, firearms where feared on both sides of the barrel . Jean Boutillier, Somme rural, Bruges ca. 1471 (BnF, Français 202, fol. 15v)

Attachment 4: A rider, similar to the ones shown earlier, with gun and rest mounted on the horse/saddle. Mariano di Iacopo [Jacopo] (aka Mariano Taccola; and also referred to during his life as the 'Archimedes of Siena') (1381-1453 and in this instance after 1430).

Attachment 5: A town under attack, two soldiers with stocked hand guns (and one with a faint hook?). Note also the ignition iron (?). It is glowing red hot.

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