Thread: Dime el Aterro
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Old 11th September 2014, 02:59 AM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Awhile back, I had a Spanish broadsword 18th c. with the classic 6-sided Spanish blade with double fullers marked, in Spanish, with the traditional logo 'Do not draw me without reason, do not sheath me without honor.' made for the Spanish market, the balde was actually German, marked 'Solingen'. I know Spanish steel was the finest in the world, but I assume colonial items destined to Spanish ports and beyond were not so picky. Could this blade be German-made and the saying be in line, although somewhat more threatening, to the typical motto above? It would explain why the Spanish translation isn't spot-on (being from an outside source). We do know many German blades went to the Middle East and Africa. Just a very big guess-

Also, forgot to mention on that awesome backsword, many of the Scottish and English broadsword blades of the 18th c. were German-made. I've seen many baskethilts marked Solingen on the blade and, of course, we have that whole Houndslow School thing going on in the U.K.
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