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Old 4th September 2014, 02:28 AM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

STT response:-

yep, it should always be a balanced approach, but the balance depends upon one's own point of view.

I was a member of the Australian Knife Makers Guild for many years, I made a few complete knives, but mostly I sold blades to other makers, some in the USA. The only knife I made that I use myself is my desk knife, the first piece of damascus I made. My daily users vary depending on what I'm doing, sometimes its a Boker mini 3 blade stock, sometimes its a mini Swiss Army, sometimes a pattada, sometimes Star Cross (Rodgers) 3 blade stock. All depends on what I'm doing. Seldom carry a belt knife, and what I do carry is usually as small as will do the job. But I use a belt knife quite a bit for various jobs, mostly a Martiini carbon or a Mora laminated, just don't hang them on the belt.
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