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Old 18th May 2014, 05:57 PM   #6
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by isumairuchiru
David how you define quality made or material? As i am bait of struggling understanding the blade itself.
My first suggestion is just for you to look at a lot of keris. The differences in quality become more evident when you have something to compare. You are fortunate enough to live in a region where you should be able to find a fair amount of keris to look at in hand.That is the best way. O know of at least one good storefront for keris in Singapore and going in and handling and comparing them should be an informative experience. But simply searching for images either in our archives or through the open internet will give you a lot of photos of what different levels of keris quality look like. Understanding the subtleties of the keris form is a very long road, though quite a delightful journey IMO.
Frankly, the carving and shaping of the keris you have presented is rather crude and unskilled. This will become immediately evident once you put it side-by-side with even a medium quality example.
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