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Old 1st May 2014, 04:47 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by David
That's all well and good Jim, but it doesn't seem, as you have so astutely pointed out, that anyone is discussing these particular weapons right here right now. So i was just a simple suggestion of how it might get more response and i am having some difficulty understanding your extreme and somewhat snarky reaction to it.
BTW, the last time I checked, both Greece AND Crete were indeed considered to be part of Europe.
Oh...I guess I was having difficulty understanding your suggestion this was more 'properly' placed on the European forum, and of course I would never issue a 'snarky' remark to you!!!....I thought you were kidding

Interesting issue though, which weapons are 'ethnographic' and which are 'European'. While Greece and Crete are of course in the modern European Union, the extremely broadened classification of 'Europe' does bring a sort of paradox to defining these fields of study. Perhaps my own perception but I had not thought of the Balkans and Greece as part of Europe, but apparently that notion should be amended.

Hopefully these notes will help direct future queries and posts on yataghans more 'properly' to the European forum, but I think the ones from Turkey should remain on the ethnographic side.
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