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Old 29th April 2014, 10:01 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,237

Hello Gustav,

In original auction listing it was going as part of the William Herbert McGinty collection. Collected between the late 1800's and early 1900's, in storage since 1930's.

I don't thrust auction descriptions much, and it looks like quite later then early 1900's kris to me also, yet could we expect a separate Ganja on a post WWII example?
Sure, there are post-WW2 kris with seperate gangya, usually kalis from Sulu though.

I agree that auction listings have to be taken with a lump of salt.

However, this kris is of very decent quality and, even with only the pics to go by, I'd suggest a pre-1930 origin. As you already mentioned, there are more examples that are pretty much in line with this example, especially if we assume that "early 1900's" is not meant very strictly...

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