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Old 3rd April 2014, 08:14 PM   #1
Bugis Keris
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Location: Indonesia Samarinda Kalimantan Timur Bugis
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Default A Brief History of Keris Indonesia

A Brief History of Keris Indonesia
Keris is a short weapon used by Malay warriors or heroes in the days of yore . He is also the pride of the Malay weapon in ancient times as well as residents in the surrounding islands such as Java , Pattani , the Philippines and others . Arguably every hero or Malay warrior in those days must have a keris is always inserted at the waist or hold everywhere sake only to defend themselves if attacked by the enemy .

The study found than the dagger from the Majapahit Kingdom . After losing the Majapahit Empire , the builders bertebaranlah keris throughout the land of Java , including the Malay world at that time . There are several types of Javanese kris kris namely , kris Peninsula , Bugis keris , keris Sumatra , Patani keris , Balinese keris , kris Picit and various anymore .

Various shapes and forms as there are berlok kris , straight blade there , there are crooked and so on . So also with upstream dagger with its own name such as Tanjung Pekaka , Tread Horse , Java Fever , parrot , birds Serindit and so on. Many science that must be learned if you want to forge a keris . Do not forget to also abstain during forging larangnya dagger .

Moreover , the principle ingredient for making dagger composed than many types of steel namely Waja iron , iron Fresh , iron Melela and tied before being burned into metal containers and then he forged follow people who want to have a taste of the dagger .
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