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Old 9th March 2014, 10:00 PM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,760

Erik, please do not interpret what I shall write as criticism, it is not, I am only attempting to guide you to a more productive way in which to gain information.

When a question is asked that does not focus on a specific aspect, it becomes what I call a "nature of the universe" question. It is open ended and spongy.

If you want specific answers, or even specific comment, it is best to ask specific questions.

For example, I could ask somebody:- " what's the weather like today"

He could answer:- " oh, not bad, pretty OK"

But he hasn't told me if it is raining, or likely to rain, and that's what I wanted to know.

Specific questions get specific answers.

If you want more comment on your keris try to home in on exactly what you would like to know.
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