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Old 25th February 2014, 11:33 AM   #23
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

I'd prefer not to indulge in speculation Kai. I really only like to comment if I have some sort of evidence to form an opinion on, and all I have with this piece is the certain knowledge of when it entered Australia.

It looks old, but the technology used by smiths in old Europe and smiths in old Jawa was pretty much the same, so there is really nothing I can base an opinion on.

As for how common this sort of thing may be, I can only state my own experience, and I've only ever seen one other blade with a similar stamp. I'm uncertain where, but it was probably one of the museums in Central Jawa, most likely in Solo. I cannot remember what this other piece was, but it was very likely to have been a sword of some kind.

Sorry I cannot be more informative.
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