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Old 13th January 2014, 11:43 AM   #2
Gavin Nugent
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Dear Ibrahiim,

Thank you for your post on the cross cultural aspects of the Makara.

Back to the large creature on the pommel of the Kastane. Please look closer to this link already provided and look at all the images again.

You have only chose to provide one image of the Yali in your latest, a known example with a trunk.
Read also the notes within the link, Quote; "Other common examples are: the lion-headed (simha-vyala)" Unquote....these are the numerous images I refer to.

Taking these lion-headed (simha-vyala) Yali or Leogryphs in mind, the ones with the exacting manes, teeth and general appearance of the Kastane pommel, there is much more visual evidence at hand that supports this creature, the Yali or Leogryph as being on the pommel, far more than the icons of the Makara as the imagery is so very different and nothing spews forth from the mouth of the Kastane pommel.
Furthermore, using the notion that is it known that the Makara spew forth the Yali of Leogrypgh as communicated about a well known museum icon supported by yourself
Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Leogryph don't spill/ spew monsters all over the place like Makara. Its what Makara do. Its what goes on all over the hilt of the Kastane..because the main handle is comprised the Makara.
Look close at one aspect of the latest knuckle bow you have just presented, there is a Makara spewing forth the knuckle bow...what is at the end of the knuckle bow, a near exact face as that on the pommel...the Yali or Leogryph.

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