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Old 11th December 2013, 05:29 PM   #7
blue lander
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 456

There's a ton of those "amulet" knives on ebay. Often they claim to be made from magical metals such as iron nails from a cremated casket or roofing nails from a monastery. Others, however, are made from "numpee" iron ore. Does anybody know anything about this metal? It sounds like a locally mined high carbon iron. This is how the auctions describe it:

he scientific qualifications.*
Numpee iron ore *from the pit area of ​​the water.*The iron ore that has a molecular structure that consists of carbon.*When the fire and beat it with a knife, a strong durable than those made of iron ore over the next
Department of Metallurgical Engineering.*Faculty of Science* Universityin Thailand.* *Has been used for ore from the pits and wells sword Khan to perform experiments to analyze the properties of various scientific instruments.*I have found that iron ore, water, minerals and rare elements.*Iron ore is a unique feature.*There is stiff and sticky.*Feature is the hard part.*Iron Ore and confirmed that water district area.*Thong Saen Khan.*Uttaradit.The best quality iron ore in Thailand.*It is also an excellent grade of steel
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