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Old 24th November 2013, 10:23 AM   #39
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Jean, Tunggulametung would know this, but you may not:-

the root word for both "tanggalan" and "tumanggal" is tanggal, which means both "date" and "the beginning of the lunar month". It would be very easy to make a small error in composition.

from about 1982 through into the 1990's ---maybe '94 or '95--- one of my closest friends in Solo was a gentleman named Agus Irianto, also known as Agus Warangka. He was the grandson of a one of the all time great m'ranggis---I forget who--- and a very talented tukang wrongko himself.

He only ever called this type of wrongko a wulan tumanggal, and I never did hear anybody in Solo call it anything else.

Maybe in some other place it is known as a tanggalan wrongko, or maybe we are looking at another of the discrepancies that we can find in EK. I don't know.

But anyway, to avoid argument, I think I'll just call these things "calendar wrongkos" from now on.
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