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Old 20th October 2013, 11:07 PM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 15

About the stain. A few of the kerisses I own I cleaned with pinapplejuice or limejuice to get rid of any rust, and they always came out dull and with the pores of the metal openend, which give it a rather course feel. I handled a few balinese kerisses which had a much smoother feel, like the keris I have. I recall reading in one of the posts that in earlier days the kerisses fom java received a treatment similar to the ones from bali. Could it be that this keris hasn't had a stain for a very long time, so the smoothness of the keris is the remains of the original stain. Just wondering, I'm trying to figure out why it has such a different feel from the other kerisses I own
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